In occultism there is the idea of a "group entity" made of the combined wills of the individual group members.
The idea is baseless baloney, but I'd thought I'd drop it on the floor to see who steps in it.
entities, like the gb don't exist.
people do.
entities don't make decisions.
In occultism there is the idea of a "group entity" made of the combined wills of the individual group members.
The idea is baseless baloney, but I'd thought I'd drop it on the floor to see who steps in it.
1. move out of your assigned congo territory - with gas going back to $ 4 a gallon, they wont come hunting for you.
2. stop going to meetings because you:_______________________________________________.
5. Stop going to meetings because you:__compulsively repeat yourself__.
1. move out of your assigned congo territory - with gas going back to $ 4 a gallon, they wont come hunting for you.
2. stop going to meetings because you:_______________________________________________.
4. Stop going to meetings because you:__compulsively repeat yourself__.
1. move out of your assigned congo territory - with gas going back to $ 4 a gallon, they wont come hunting for you.
2. stop going to meetings because you:_______________________________________________.
3. Stop going to meetings because you:__compulsively repeat yourself__.
1. move out of your assigned congo territory - with gas going back to $ 4 a gallon, they wont come hunting for you.
2. stop going to meetings because you:_______________________________________________.
2. Stop going to meetings because you:__think you have a rash__.
2. Stop going to meetings because you:__are on a low stupidity diet__.
2. Stop going to meetings because you:__feel the wine selection is sub-par__.
so i travel alot for business and check into a hotel, start putting away my things and lo and behold in a bureau drawer, find a couple of wt's a couple of awake's and two tracts.
1. throw them in the trash and forget about it.
2. leave them where they lay and forget about it.. 3. leave a note for the housekeeper asking to lay off the cult recruitment.. 4. bring it to the attention of the management, and possibly get the housekeeper fired.. thanks for your input.
You could murder the housekeeper on the assumption that she left the tracts, then conceal her body beneath the mattress.
>>I<< would not do this, but I think maybe you could. I would just tear the tracts into small pieces and scatter them throughout the room... or maybe I'd just put them in the trash. I' psycho that way.
You can see me?
From all the way over THERE?
are you reticent to express your opinion when it comes to religion or politics?.
when we were jws , we had to be so careful that we didn’t stumble anyone.
are you comfortable saying that you don’t agree with someone or something even if it appears you are in the minority?
I dare not reply. Forgive me!
a real conspiracy to destroy anti-cult miviludes in france.. therefore, a question arises that burns the lips of all our interlocutors: who wants the skin of the miviludes?
"this disintegration of the fight against cults is carried by occult influences, at the highest level of the state.
the miviludes disturbs, "says georges fenech.
If anyone out there is like me - and I know I am - then you may be wondering, "What the HELL is a Miviludes?
So, I consulted WIKIPEDIA, the intergalactic fountain of TRUTH...
"The MIVILUDES (a French acronym for Mission interministérielle de vigilance et de lutte contre les dérives sectaires, i.e. Interministerial Mission of Vigilance and Combat against Sectarian Aberrations) is a French government agency, created by Presidential decree in 2002. It is charged with observing and analyzing the phenomenon of sectarian movements (cults), coordinating the government response, informing the public about the risks arising from sectarian aberrations and facilitating the implementation of actions to aid the victims."
So there you have it. Seems to me like the French gov't wants to monitor minority religions.
Frankly, since I am in the USA, it is none of my bee's-wax (that's an American idiom for "business, or "biz-niss," as it is usually pronounces over here.)
Discuss, si-vous-plait...
what did you do with your jw literature when you left?
kept it, sold it or dumped it?
I dumped a LOT of stuff, then years later I bought a lot of it back for my "WT BS CDs" & "replica reprints" projects.
Those were fun times. The "replica reprints" are still on LULU, if anyone is interested (they're not).